Love Affirmations the Subliminal Way- By: Minardi Sirmans

Description : A Law of Attraction Definition

The law of attraction is basically the principle that anything that we think about and focu on in our minds we attract directly into our minds. This can be either good or bad thoughts and things, but if we are able to assume control of our minds and make effort to alter our thought processes we can learn to attract positive things into our lives.

Think about it for a second.. Wouldn't it be great to be able to just tweak your thoughts, or to focus on one thing and attract this very thing into your life - whether it is success in a certain pursuit, manifesting money, or attracting your dream partner... the possibilities are endless..

Why Do Most People Fail

This might sound fantastic, however often the law of attraction is tough to get to grips with. You have probably heard of the instant results some are able to achieve, but typically progress is slow-moving at best. If you are reading this then maybe you have attempted to manifest things in your life with either very small results, or even a real lack of any physical result?

The number one reason people fail with their manifesting is the lack of UNCONSCIOUS SUPPORT. Often people try out a number of conscious approaches and take physical steps toward their targets; saying positive affirmations, visualizing, making wish lists, creating vision boards, announcing their cosmic order to the universe - this is great, and any / many of these approaches can bring you results, however the important element that people ignore is making sure their subconscious mind is aligned to their goals too.

Often they will do all of these conscious acts, yet there are doubts, limiting, and negative beliefs deep seated within their subconscious mind which holds them back, and puts a stop to their manifestations forming for real.

The Answer - Subliminal Messaging

This is where subliminal mp3s can be really handy. They focus on these kinds of unfavorable thoughts and feelings, and limiting self beliefs, and then replace them for constructive self beliefs and align your subcconscious mind to your conscious law of attraction targets. This means it's much more likely that you have the best possible chance of success and makes you much more likely to manifest your wishes into reality.

To explain this further a little subliminal messages work in 2 main ways:

First of all they help you make sure that you really believe in the law of attraction on a deep level - this is a basic requirement - essential for success with any area of the law of attraction.

Once you fully believe then they will focus your subconscious mind with your unique goals, so you will be thinking about and focusing on the precise things you need to attract - more than ever before.

If you're curious to find out more watch this video on Affirmations For Love .

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